The high, spherical pan is a pot, steamer and deep fryer in one and is one of the most important cooking utensils in Asia. And we also love the wok: it not only makes stylish Asian dishes, you can also steam, stew and stew all kinds of vegetables, meat and fish. The best-known cooking method is, of course, stir-frying the pan, when the ingredients are seared briefly and sharply while stirring constantly. The heat is distributed evenly in the deep, bulbous shape, and cooking vapors escape through the metal lid with a vapor outlet. Traditionally, there are two opposite handles on the side of the wok, while the wok pan has a handle plus a handle. Today, a wok no longer has to weigh a lot to quickly pass the heat from the stove. This is done by the TransTherm® universal base, which fits on every stove.
The WMF Profi Resist series combines the best properties of a stainless steel pan with those of a non-stick model: aluminum core, rustproof stainless steel inside and extremely resistant chrome steel outside. In addition, the coated frying surface ensures that nothing burns so quickly. Turn up the heat to full - stainless steel can withstand high temperatures - and poultry and other cuts of meat will have a tasty crust. Profi Resist pans are simply perfect for everything that you want to sear quickly and sharply. Sizzle away! You will enjoy the pan for a long time, because the raised honeycomb structure made of stainless steel protects the non-stick coating of the Profi Resist models. WMF gives a 5 year guarantee on the Profi Resist pan. The pans made of multi-layer material distribute the heat evenly and are suitable for all types of stoves, including energy-efficient induction cooking surfaces. The elegant collection includes high-quality handle and serving pans as well as a wok pan.
Diameter: 28cm